Marnie Thomson in (I've Got a) Question (For You) by Tom Brogan at Lanternhouse at Cumbernauld Theatre in September 2024.

Grant McDonald in (I've Got a) Question (For You) by Tom Brogan at Lanternhouse at Cumbernauld Theatre in September 2024.
Grant McDonald and James Keenan in The Last Swally by David Bratchpiece at Lanternhouse at Cumbernauld Theatre in September 2024.

Kevin P. Gilday opening the show at Lanternhouse at Cumbernauld Theatre in September 2024.

Chalkie Whyte in Umm Kulthum by Martin Foreman at the Gaiety Theatre, Ayr, July 2024.

Marnie Thomson in Arabella by Jennifer MacRae at the Gaiety Theatre, Ayr, July 2024.

Sarah C Meikle and Marnie Thomson in Arabella by Jennifer MacRae at the Gaiety Theatre, Ayr, July 2024.

James Keenan, Chalkie Whyte and Marnie Thomson in Haud Yer Wheest! by Gail Winters at the Gaiety Theatre, Ayr, July 2024.

Chalkie Whyte, James Keenan and Marnie Thomson in Haud Yer Wheest! by Gail Winters at the Gaiety Theatre, Ayr, July 2024.

Megan Smith and Grant McDonald in Nifty by Adam McNelis at the Gaiety Theatre, Ayr, July 2024.

Writer Adam McNelis and director Shamama Fatima rehearsing Nifty, July 2024.

Sarah C Meikle and Gillian Massey in The Curse of the M6 by Kay Marquis at the Gaiety Theatre, Ayr, May 2024.

James Keenan and Emma Findlay in Code by Alan Muir at the Gaiety Theatre, Ayr, May 2024.

Euan Cuthbertson and Grant McDonald in Bonnybridge by Tom Brogan at the Gaiety Theatre, Ayr, May 2024.

Saffron J. Mullen in Troon at Noon by Peter Paterson at Ayr Gaiety in February 2024.

Hazel-Ann Crawford and James Keenan in The Horror Emporium by Carl Pickard at the Ay Gaiety in February 2024.

Lisa McDonald directing Stephen Kerr and Sarah C. Meikle in Samantha Dooey-Miles' play Everything and Nothing All at Once, February 2024.

Actor Saffron J. Mullen in David Bratchpiece's 'Linda in the Sky With Diamonds' at the Lanternhouse at Cumbernauld Theatre, September 2023.

Actors Saffron J. Mullen and James Keenan in 'Linda in the Sky With Diamonds' by David Bratchpiece at the Lanternhouse at Cumbernauld Theatre, September 2023.

Actors Caressa Jannsen and Derek Banner in 'Hack' by Alan Muir at The Printhouse, Ayr, September 2023.

Actor James Keenan in David Bratchpiece's 'Linda in the Sky With Diamonds' at The Printhouse, Ayr, September 2023.

Actor Sarah C. Meikle in Rachel Flynn's 'Between Us' at The Printhouse, Ayr in September 2023.

Actors Grant McDonald and Sarah C. Meikle in Rachel Flynn's 'Between Us' at The Printhouse, Ayr in September 2023.

Actors Kat Harrison and Derek Banner in Kirkland Cicconne's 'The Lady in Red' at Acting Coach Scotland in Govan, February 2023.
Actors Grant McDonald and Sarah C. Meikle in rehearsals at River Garden Auchencruvie, Ayr, February 2023.

Actors John Love and Johanna Harper on stage in Chris McQueer's 'The Suitcase' at the CCA, March 2020.
Actor Mick Cullen on stage in Chris McQueer's 'The Suitcase', at the CCA, Glasgow, March 2020.

Kevin P. Gilday performing poetry on stage at the CCA, March 2020.
Actors Johanna Harper and Allan Othieno on stage at the Gilded Balloon in Catriona Duggan's 'Go Your Own Way' in March 2020.

Chris McQueer reading from his book 'Hings' at The Rum Shack in February 2020. Photo by Bold Frank Photography.

David Bratchpiece performing stand-up at The Rum Shack in February 2020. Photo by Bold Frank Photography.

Sarah McCardie performing stand-up at The Rum Shack in February 2020. Photo by Bold Frank Photography.
Actors Matteo Francesconi, Dylan Blore, and Grant McDonald in rehearsals, January 2020.
Director Mairi Davidson in rehearsals, January 2020.
Grant McDonald on stage at The Rum Shack, Glasgow, December 2019.
Derek Banner on stage at The Rum Shack, Glasgow, December 2019.
Kat Harrison and Grant McDonald on stage at the Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh in October 2019.
Director Daniel Gee Husson in rehearsals, September 2019.

Actor Stephen Will in rehearsals, September 2019.
Actor Sarah C Meikle in rehearsals, June 2019.
Actors Mick Cullen and Hayleigh Meg in rehearsals for 'Under Ice' by John Wilde, May 2019.
Johanna Harper in rehearsals for 'King of the Mountain' by Alex Cox, May 2019.
Actor Emma Findlay in rehearsals for 'Wow' by Carl Pickard, May 2019.
James Keenan and Hazel Ann Crawford in 'Modern Love' by Margaret Callaghan at the Gilded Balloon Basement Theatre, Edinburgh, April 2019.
Mira Vasiliu in 'Lady Grinning Soul' by Tom Murray at the Gilded Balloon Basement Theatre, Edinburgh, April 2019.
Grant McDonald and Rachel Flynn in 'Everyone Says Hi' by Jamie Graham at the Gilded Balloon Basement Theatre, Edinburgh, April 2019.
Grant McDonald and Kat Harrison in 'When The Penny Drops' by Catriona Duggan at the CCA, Glasgow, March 2019.
Kat Harrison in 'When The Penny Drops' by Catriona Duggan at the CCA, Glasgow, March 2019.
Johanna Harper and John Love in 'The Last Can' by Chris McQueer at the CCA, Glasgow, March 2019.
John Love in 'The Last Can' by Chris McQueer at the CCA, Glasgow, March 2019.
Julie Rea and Chris McQueer performing spoken word at the Gilded Balloon Basement Theatre, Edinburgh, February 2019.
Calum Beaton and Angie Strachan performing spoken word at the Gilded Balloon Basement Theatre, Edinburgh, February 2019.
Johanna Harper in rehearsals for 'A New Career in a New Town' by Alex Cox, January 2019.
James Keenan in rehearsals for 'Kooks' by Elissa Soave at the Old Hairdressers, January 2019.
Trish Mullen and Kat Harrison in rehearsals for 'Secret Santa' by Catriona Duggan, December 2018.
Kat Harrison and Adam Greene in rehearsals for 'Secret Santa' by Catriona Duggan, December 2018.
Sarah C Meikle, Euan Cuthbertson and Derek Banner in rehearsals for 'Frank's Wild Years' by Carl Pickard.
Derek Banner and Euan Cuthbertson in rehearsals for 'Frank's Wild Years' by Carl Pickard.

Grant McDonald, Scott Canvey and Sarah C Meikle in 'A9' by Michael J Houston.
Sarah C Meikle and Euan Cuthbertson in rehearsals for 'Road to Nowhere' by Catriona Duggan.
Kat Harrison, Scott Canvey and Derek Banner in rehearsals for 'The Bus Stop' by Claire Gray-Simon.

Derek Banner and Mairi Davidson in rehearsals for 'The Sheets' by Derek Banner.

Kat Harrison rehearsing Millionaire's Shortbread by Alison Gray.
Actor Mairi Davidson in rehearsals for 'The Question' by Daisy-Jo Lucas.
Actors Sarah C Meikle and Scott Canevy in rehearsals for 'The Monster Hunter' by Carl Pickard.

Scott Canevy, Gillian Massey, Max Chase and Fiona McLaren backstage at the Gilded Balloon Basement Theatre, Edinburgh
Sarah C Meikle and Mairi Davidson backstage at the Gilded Balloon Basement Theatre, Edinburgh.

Actors Michael McCardie and John Love in 'Craig's Da' by Chris McQueer.

Derek Banner and Johanna Harper in 'Smokers' by Julie McDowall.
Natalie Clark, Johanna Harper and director Helen Cuinn preparing 'Don't Hang Up' by Elaine Malcolmson.
Derek Banner in 'Flensburg' by Cormac Quinn.

Director Helen Cuinn and actor Hannah Elizabeth Morton in rehearsals for 'The Tourist Information Centre' by Eva Carson.

Natalie Clark, Derek Banner and Johanna Harper in rehearsals for 'Don't Hang Up' by Elaine Malcolmson.

Derek Banner in 'Red Label' by Derek Banner.

Karen Bartke in 'Of Sound Mind' by Helen Bang.

John Love, Calum Beaton and Derek Banner in 'Flensburg' by Cormac Quinn.
Karen Bartke and Johanna Harper in rehearsals for 'Horses With Horns' by Richy Walsh.
Johanna Harper in rehearsals for 'The Tourist Information Centre' by Eva Carson.
Sarah C Meikle, Richard Gray and Johanna Harper in 'Someone Was Murdered Here' by Fraser Campbell.
Louisa Thornton and Sarah C Meikle in rehearsals for 'Disaster Song' by Karen Barclay.
Director Sarah McCardie in rehearsals for 'Jesus Wants Me For a Steakbake' by Alex Cox.
Cameron McGarva and George Docherty in rehearsals for 'Jesus Wants Me For a Steakbake' by Alex Cox.
Johanna Harper and Derek Banner in rehearsals for 'Smokers' by Julie McDowall.

Julie Martis in rehearsals for 'Ava and the Seagull' by Roisin Kelly.
Scott Canevy and Sarah C Meikle in rehearsals for 'Dynamite FM' by Catherine Noble.
Tanvir Bashir in rehearsals for 'Dynamite FM' by Catherine Noble.

Writers Julie McDowall, Meggan Jameson, Catherine Noble and Róisín Kelly.